Contains Green Rooibos, Natural Flavor, and Coconut Shred. Green Rooibos serves as an anti-inflammatory while improving circulation, aiding digestion, and relieving hypertension. On top of that, it's beneficial for your bones, teeth, hair, and skin.
A light, super smooth, fruity blend with notes of pineapple and coconut. Tastes Great Iced!
15 whole leaf tea pyramids
Caffeine Free. Gluten Free
Stop stalking your ex on social media and get your beauty rest with this chamomile, lemongrass, & lavender herbal tea.
According to researchers, drinking tea with Chamomile flower is associated with an increase of glycine, a chemical that relaxes nerves and muscles and acts as a mild sedative.
A mellow, smooth blend with undertones of citrus and lulling lavender
15 whole leaf tea pyramids
Caffeine Free
*Gluten Free*
Made in United States of America
Mornings suck, but we’ve got your back. With a cup of Wake Up & the will to live, you’ll feel almost human in no time!
This is the DREAM TEAM of ingredients. Yerba Mate is a natural stimulant and nutritional powerhouse that's loaded with vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants. It provides a smooth increase in energy while boosting mental functions. Gotu Kola is used to fight against fatigue and improve memory and intelligence.
A robust blend of cinnamon black tea & chocolate undertones.
15 whole leaf tea pyramids
Approximately 60-70 mg per 8 oz cup.
Yerba Mate, Black Tea, Ginger Root, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Licorice Root, Black Pepper, Gotu Kola, Cloves *Gluten Free*
Made in United States of America
If you love yoga pants but the words "warrior pose" mean absolutely nothing to you - this raspberry orange green tea is the blend for you! #SpandexAndNetflix
Green Tea contains bioactive compounds that improve your health in many ways; it's good for brain functions and weight management. It's one small thing you can do for your health (while you're sitting around watching Netflix all weekend).
A delightfully full-bodied, fruity combination of orange and raspberry. Tastes Great Iced!
15 whole leaf tea pyramids
Approximately 35-40 mg per 8 oz cup.
Green Tea, Natural Flavors, Raspberry Pieces, Orange Peel *Gluten Free*
Made in United States of America
This rosy black tea is beautiful on the outside and fierce on the inside. Contains: Black Tea, Rose Petals, Natural & Artificial Flavors. As well as its high vitamin C content rose tea contains a large amount of polyphenols along with several other antioxidants like quercetin and elegiac acid. Polyphenols are natural antioxidants which are well known for their ability to repair cellular damage while black tea gives you just the boost you need to start kicking butt and taking numbers. Tastes like a bold blend with spiced floral hints and a chai-like aftertaste. 15 whole leaf tea pyramids
The little voice inside you is screaming for sweets! Powerless, you rush to the pantry and open the nearest candy bar. Crying in defeat, you bury the wrapper and raise your fists in fury. Okay, that’s a liittlee dramatic. But you totally get it. Enter: Sweet AF! This chocolate orange tea is guilt-free decadence in a cup. That little voice will be saying, “thanks hon” before you know it.
A delicious blend of citrus & chocolate
15 whole leaf tea pyramids
Approximately 35-40 mg per 8 oz cup.
Pu'erh tea, Chocolate (sugar, unsweetened chocolate, cocoa butter, soy lecithin, vanilla extract), Orange, Natural & Artificial Flavors. *Gluten Free*
Made in USA
Feeling like a hot mess? Sick as heck? Horrifically hungover? This lemongrass and ginger green tea will have you feeling like your fabulous self in no time. Contains Green Tea, Ginger Root, Lemongrass, and Lemon Myrtle. Both Lemongrass and Ginger have been used medicinally to help cure stomach aches, nausea, and pain.
A bright and refreshing blend with hints of citrus & undertones of ginger.
15 whole leaf tea pyramids
Approximately 35-40 mg of caffeine per 8 oz cup.
*Gluten Free*
Made in United States of America